Thursday, April 3, 2008

What the Heck's the Deal with Goiters?

As you may know Skippy lives in a Doublewide with Mama and the Simonize twins of his dead sister, right next to Floyd in his Peterbilt cab who we are suing because he will bring down the reel estate values. Skippy really really likes Lemon Meringue Pie.

Mama has a goiter the size of a canned ham. She stays pretty much in the trailer because she is ashamed of the Goiter, which she's nicknamed "Larry." Once Mama had an absent tooth but wouldn't go to the denticist until the pane became so bad she couldn't stand it, so she sat. Then Mama put a shower curtain around her neck and would only let the denticist see her from the chin up. (Turned out she had to have a roof canal)

Skippy saw on the Gary Seinfield show an episode about a woman with a Goiter and Elaine made fun of her. Skippy never makes fun of Mama because she doesn't have a sense of humor but does have a deadly right cross.

Some fear a Goiter is contentious. No, it’s generic, whereby it can be handed down from generation to generation, preferably with Goiter tongs. More Goiter answers can be found on the wedsite of the American Goiter Association, not affiliated with CBS.

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